Saturday, January 3, 2015


De-cluttering, simplifying, call it what you will. I feel led to simplify my life. Many people think of de-cluttering as physically removing the clutter from your home. That is only a small part. When I began this journey I pretty much thought that way.
Over the last twenty seven day's I've been doing a Bible study on de-cluttering. 

Declutter Now! 30 Day Devotional on the You Version Bible App. It's a free app with a ridiculous amount of Bible versions to choose from. I highly recommend the devotional. I've learned a lot from this study.

De-cluttering also includes, your walk with God, finances, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, and church/social activities.

I've started a little of the house de-cluttering, passing on stuff to my children and grandchildren. Some of it was even in the form of Christmas gifts. I only want them to take things that will be used or is of great sentimental value. Now that we're past the holidays I shall in earnest go through the process of de-cluttering my home. 
Here's where I'm starting with organizing, discarding and filing papers:


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